I Wrote 10,000 Words in One Day! 🖋 A Writing Update!

I goofed.

So I’m in my Thesis 2 class now, which I must’ve mentioned in another post (but I’m not positive, so I’m mentioning it here again!) but the class started right after Christmas break. I’m not going to lie, I might have stayed in Christmas break mode too long. I’m set to submit my first 10-15k week after next, which only leaves me 1 week to edit it, on top of dealing with my other (markedly harder) class.

But I only had 1.5k in the new submission wordcount bucket, because I went and pulled a George R.R. Martin and got obsessed with a game and kind of lost track of time. I tell myself it was my ADHD fear of starting something that I was afraid of failing at (which might be partly true, because I struggled to get back into the feel of it) but really I think it was just plain bad time management. At any rate, I realized on Thursday that I needed to buckle down and get work done. I swore to myself that I would make all of Saturday (today) a writing day and I would meet at least my minimum word count for the submission.

I’m not done writing for the submission, but I’m done for today. My brain feels like mashed potatoes .

Luckily for me, I woke up today feeling incredibly hype. Not just about this project, but about life in general. I made mental plans for the future of my writing and for my blog. I can’t even describe how excited that made me. I love this blog literally more than any other place on the internet and I’m so grateful that I have a place where I can share my works with you guys!

I think part of this elation came from the fact that when I woke up, it was a gray and dreary morning. Temperatures were dropping in preparation for the next big freeze coming tomorrow. Our high is only supposed to be 11 degrees! Then on Monday and Tuesday, it’s going to be even colder than that. Cold, gray days are the ones where I work the best and feel the most optimistic. I don’t know what it is about the sunlight that makes me feel unbearably tired and sad, but it is what it is. Rainy days, snowy days, just days in general where the sunlight is reduced to a minimum are the days when I feel the most myself and the happiest.

I’m probably just a vampire, who knows?

So I put on my comfiest jammies (because I gotta write in jammies. It’s comfortable, and nobody wants to try and write 10k in something that isn’t the optimal comfort level!), put my hair up with my Secret Life of Arietty clothes pin hair clip, and got started!

I wrote from 11AM until 8:30 PM, stopping only at around 3 for a late lunch and a little indulgence of my ADHD’s inability to shift back into writing mode. For a minute I worried that I had screwed up my concentration, but I got back into it just fine. Besides, what was my other option? Not eat? I had to eat something. So I had some egg fried rice with chicken and watched an episode of The Handmaid’s Tale before coming back to my keyboard and trying to shut off my internal editor. Now is not the time for editing. That’s next week. Right now, we create!

And boy did we.

Check out these stats!

Project: A Land of Shadow and Thorn

Today’s Wordcount: 10,752

Total Words as of Now: 50,257

What I did in Fiction: Got through a few chapters that I was, honestly, kind of dreading and now I’m on the fast track to the end! I’m so excited to get to the next part of the story. I’ve been itching to write it for so long!

What I did Today: Absolutely nothin! It was all writing, all day! Now my brain feels like mush, I’m exhausted, and all I want to do is lay down! But I’m so proud of myself for achieving this goal and getting one step closer to finishing this book!

All that said, I’m going to go relax. My back kind of hurts from sitting at a proper typing position for so long, and the flow of words from my brain is starting to slow to a trickle. So I’m going to leave you here. I’m so incredibly proud of myself for making this goal, and for getting my manuscript prepared for submission! I tried to write more than that, but I couldn’t make the words happen anymore and I’d rather stop than force it at this point.

So good night, and see you next time!


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